Hey mama! I'm happy you're here.
Being a doula gives me a lot of joy. I'm witnessing the miracle of life regularly and it's a different experience every time. Different location, couples, providers and births. Most if not all couples come out of the labor expressing how grateful they were to have me. How come only 6% of births have a birth doula? Do women not know what a doula is or do they simply underestimate what we bring to the table? I may not be able to help you clinically but I can offer you so much more than the necessary details of birth. There are many small details that are overlooked, not talked about or just simply too simple to seem necessary. I understand as I didn't realize I needed a doula until I was in the middle of labor, too late to get one. My goal is to not only support you in labor but bring awareness to moms and soon to be moms worldwide because we deserve it!! We deserve to feel loved, comforted, encouraged, present, peaceful, and coached through often times one of the hardest things we've been through. A doula does NOT take away from your partner, we enhance their effectiveness. I hear often, "My husband is super hands on and has been to all the classes, I think we don't need a doula." And I gracefully wish them well and simply leave it at that. I can no longer convince them that they need me. I've been there, made that decision, and ultimately regretted it. That's why I am so passionate about this.

My Main Goal as Your Doula
You deserve the best! You deserve to be cared for and not just be another patient, another birth. You are one person going through a life changing event that all mothers have gone through, but that doesn't lessen your experience! I care about how you are feeling, what you need and how I can support you and your partner. Do I need to step in for hip squeezes so they can eat or use the restroom? Coaching you through each contraction, watching you fully relax peak contraction is one of my favorite parts. How about offer silent reassurance when your partner looks at me in panic because they've never been done this before? Or if you have a large, close family and would like to keep them updated, set me up with their numbers and I can create a group message or whatever you need to text people appropriately. I'm no professional photographer, but give me a phone and I can capture sweet moments I see so you can look back on your birth with pictures. There are moments of calm during this intense time. I understand them well and I am aware when not to be seen or heard. I'm good at reading the room! I have constant thoughts of are you drinking, peeing, changing positions, relaxing in-between contractions, are you hot/cold, feeling overwhelmed with questions and need 5 minutes ,and many more instinctive things during your specific day. My main goal is to be what you need me to be at any given moment. How can I make this a day of joy, a day of strength, and a day of awe? That's my main goal.
Take the leap, contact me!
It's hard to describe what you'll be going through. All I know is that you will be pushed to your limit, you will feel proud of yourself for what you've done and you'll be thankful you had someone there to take care of the THREE of you! It's a team effort, one I don't take for granted. I find myself in awe at the strength of those I get to support and then emotional as their baby is born.
Contact me Via email at MGRdoula@outlook.com to schedule a free consultation!!
Check me out on Instagram @MGRdoula